In a remarkable turn of events, Ailene Morales, a student at Branford High School, has become an unexpected trailblazer in the Florida Future Farmers of America (FFA) community. Ailene, who attempted to recite the FFA Creed in Spanish, faced an unexpected interruption during a local competition but has since catalyzed a change that will resonate across the state.
Ailene's journey began when she first encountered the Spanish rendition of the FFA Creed at the FFA National Convention last year. Inspired, she embarked on a months-long journey of practice alongside her instructor, Taylor Gebo, ensuring her delivery was not just accurate but emotionally resonant.
The turning point occurred at the Subdistricts competition, where Ailene began to recite the FFA Creed in her Spanish, only to be abruptly cut off and instructed to switch to English. Ailene says, “I remember walking in feeling confident and proud to represent my chapter by saying the Creed in Spanish but I was cut off and had to say it in English.”
Undeterred, Stacy Young, Branford High School FFA Advisor and leader within the FFA, decided to take the matter to a higher platform. Young facilitated the inclusion of Ailene and Elena Garcia, who happens to be the first Hispanic President in Branford's FFA history, on the agenda for the State of Florida FFA Board Meeting. While speaking in front of the board, Ailene recounted the incident at Subdistricts, illustrating the significance of expressing herself in her native language. She took the opportunity to recite the entire FFA Creed in Spanish. The impact was immediate and profound. The State FFA Board, recognizing the cultural importance and inclusivity, unanimously voted to introduce a Spanish Creed contest to be held at the State Convention. This decision not only vindicated Ailene's right to express herself authentically but also opened the door for countless other students to do the same.
Elena Garcia, Ailene's close friend since 4th grade and the first Hispanic President in Branford’s FFA history, celebrated the victory for cultural diversity within the FFA. Elena says, “I know how much time and effort Ailene put it to saying the Creed in Spanish. Her not being able to say it made me sad but I know she wanted to do it so badly and she got to make that change and that made me proud.”
The move is a testament to the power of perseverance and advocacy, and Elena is excited to see the positive changes that will come from Ailene's courage.
This groundbreaking decision marks a significant step towards fostering a more inclusive and culturally diverse FFA community in Florida. Ailene Morales's journey serves as an inspiration for students to embrace their identities, languages, and traditions within the broader context of agricultural leadership. The FFA, with its roots in fostering personal growth and leadership, has taken a giant leap forward in embracing the rich tapestry of its members' cultural backgrounds.
Ailene shares, “It is surreal to be able to say the FFA Creed in Spanish. To be able to represent my hispanic community makes me happy.”