Please complete the 2023-2024 Senior Ad Recognition form.
The completed order form, all pictures, messages, and a 50% deposit must be submitted to Mrs. Misty Ward (Rm 13-002) by Jan. 31. Mrs. Ward’s room is open for yearbook business first and second period and high school lunch. Please do not come at any other time. Ads are sold on a first-come basis and there are a limited number of pages set aside for ads.
Recognition ads must be paid in full and all photos for senior ad by Feb. 15, or receive a $35 late fee. Ads must be paid in full with all ad content, including the late fee, by Feb. 28, or the ad will be pulled without refund of any monies paid, and the ad space will be resold. Please upload all digital files for the senior ad. Proofs will be emailed to the email address provided with one opportunity to make changes or switch out photos. A final proof will be sent. Any additional changes will cost $25 per draft.
The Buccaneer accepts cash or checks, which should be written to Branford High School attn Yearbook, unfortunately the school is unable to accept debit/credit.
Photo collages, screen shots and photos with photographer watermarks (unless you have permission to use digital file) will NOT be accepted.
If you do not have access to digital photos, your student may come to Ward's room to scan his/her pictures and take them with them when they are finished. Photos with watermarks (because they are samples not approved for digital downloads) may not be used. The Buccaneer will not be responsible for hard copies of photos.
**Please note that page designs may be flipped/mirrored to accommodate for a right or left side page, or the direction of large photo.